Dear Raul@34, As of this writing, I am on a retreat in Lyndenburg, and I really thought of you a lot, because even just on the introduction of the retreat, and on the first day too, I saw a lot of similarities in your life, so I thought of writing this letter to you, as a reminder of the beautiful gift of vocation you have received from the Lord. Your priesthood….. The retreat master started with s short verse from the gospel of Matthew 13:45-46. The story of a merchant who sold everything in order to buy the most very expensive Pearl. Being a merchant, he must be a very rich man, but he was not happy, because there was something missing. He was longing for the most expensive Pearl. He sold everything, practically everything he had, as jokingly, our retreat master said, even the chairs and tables and what he had in the house. He bought the Pearl and the result was great joy. He got rid of everything that he owned, the Pearl was everything for him, and he experienced great happiness. At first Raul, I thought that the merchant is very materialistic and vain. But there was something deeper and beautiful in this story. Your vocation to priesthood is a Pearl of great value, it is a treasure that has been given to you by God. But I see also Raul how much you have achieved in life, and how you have struggled for that Pearl, your vocation. You left a very sickly and invalid mother. You left your father, who at that time, just came out from the hospital because of car accident. He even broke his right clavicle, and probably was in great need of your help. You left your work in the bank, the comfort and the possibility of good life and abundance. There were a lot of struggles and obstacles in your way as you prepared yourself to become a priest. But after twenty one years in Religious Life, they don’t matter now to you anymore. They were experiences that made you strong and determined. What you have to cherish now is that Pearl in you, your Treasure, your Priesthood. Please nourish your priesthood day after day, water it with love, faith and dedication to your missionary life. In this retreat Raul, I pray for you, that you may sit in a bench with God, chat and recall in your mind how He gave you that Pearl of great value. Not all were given such a gift, and you have been chosen to be one. Your priesthood is a Pearl of great price, sustain it. Don’t throw it away because of third parties, like attachment to people, to things, principles, money or wealth and above all, gadgets. I remind you always Raul to cherish and nourish the vocation, you must celebrate each single mass with freshness, not just like a left-over of yesterday. Your mass must also be new each time, meaningful to you and to the people. You should celebrate each mass with joy and enthusiasm. You cannot avoid the fact that some other masses that you have celebrated will be dry. Yesterday, i celebrated straight three masses, and the sun was strong, my energy became weak. I have tried to show enthusiasm, to have the same taste as when I was ordained. Mass should not be like a simple ritual only but put your whole heart in each of your masses. Again, keep on asking Raul: How am I sustaining my Pearl, my Treasure, my Vocation, my Priesthood? How do I nourish it? Ask and pray to God that You could sustain your vocation with love and dedication. I am always at your side. Keep strong, Raul@54


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