I would like to use some millennial terms as I express my gratitude at this moment and also of my departure for a new mission in South Africa. Frankly speaking, I am so very EAGANX (eager but anxious), specially that this would be my first time to work in this country. I am EXCITRRIED (excited but worried), if I would be able to perform my mission like I did fourteen years ago. As I am getting older (50 by now), the physical machine is no longer that fast. Every time I go and move to a new place, I always experience SEPANX (separation anxiety). I feel the pain of leaving, especially when I am already rooted to a place and with people. I have been asked many times what I am feeling right now going back to Africa. I am excited but not afraid. I told my community here in Sucat, that the only question I asked was that: Why I did not insist to the General Administration in Rome that I want to go back to my first love, MALAWI-ZAMBIA? But I guess, what is giving me the inner freedom and calmness is my openness to the Holy Spirit. I will go wherever the Spirit will lead me. He is there ahead of me. The Lord is already there preparing my way. I am actually. AVAREE (available and free). I embrace the idea that my life is meant for something else. I carry with me my mottos: "Bloom where you are planted" and "Do your best and the Lord will do the rest." In few hours now, I will fly to my new mission. I don't know exactly what is going to be my work and where and what will happen to my life there. I will go with open heart. This is the mission of the Lord, and if it is His work, it will always bear fruit. I just would like to thank all of you dear friends, communities and groups. I haven't seen some people because I only have limited days here. Four days to move before the departure is very little and I still had some papers to see and people to meet. Also to move around commuting is not easy, it already consumes time. The scourging heat of the sun is also killing me. Forgive me, but I will make up next time. People have expressed their kindness and generosity in many ways, and I will not forget that. I keep you in my prayers and please remember too. My special thanks to my family, Ceilio TabaranzaAtilano Tabaranza, Agnes Atilano, Cecilio Baluma Tabaranza Jr., Egay Tabaranza and Radiong Tipak Balumian Tbranza and their respective families and our relatives. I really had a great time at home. Being with you was an amazing experience. God bless you always.


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