Do not Value Possessions

This is a very spontaneous and very scattered reflection that I have made during my retreat. I hope you find it meaningful. MATTHEW 6:25-34 Do not value possessions enough to worry about them. My first realization is never to doubt God’s power to provide. God guarantees us what we need in life. He sustains me and protects my body. He feeds me like birds in the sky or covers me like flowers in the field. Wealth does not matter for God will provide our genuine needs. When I was still in the mission or in the Philippines, I tend to get worried about production, how much work I have made for the day, or I should do this and that etc. Sometimes, I am just a worrier, what to say or what to do with people, forgetting that God provides and that my work is His mission. God promises our basic needs. If He cares about the plants and animals, how much more to me? I am worthy, much more than them. He provides me adequately, things necessary for my physiological needs and to cover my body. He gives me my basic needs. I see that Jesus is not worried at all. “Raul, don’t worry, be hopeful. I cannot avoid it, sometimes I have unhealthy worries, now with new work, new assignment, new people and new mission, it means new language. What shall I do? How will I survive etc? To trust in God means to seek God’s agenda and be assured of God’s care. It is a call for me to seek the kingdom of God first. God will fulfill what is of best interest for us. I took this understanding for granted. I need to seek intimacy with God, seek for His righteousness, then I can care for others. We always have opportunities in life to share and to give life to others. We need to take care of each other’s needs, and God supplies our needs. It think this is another great consolation for me, the realization that Jesus provides my needs because He cares for me. Even if I worry, I also learn the art of “letting go and letting God.” Why should I br anxious of material things? Such a good question to myself. Anxiety does not add time in my life. I cannot extend my life by worrying. In fact, worries and troubles shorten my life. Worry about material things takes away my sleep and little by little destroys my flesh. When Jesus said “Do not worry Raul”, He did not mean that I should not care. I should care for my life and for my mission. It is a Healthy Concern for my needs, life and mission. What is the consolation? Surely God will ensure my survival. He gave me life, so He will sustain my life. Jesus calls us to depend on God for sustenance. If we trust the Lord, we worry less of other things. That is why He said: “we have enough worries now, why add the worries of tomorrow? Let tomorrow worry about itself.” This is a real call on DEPENDENCE to God each day. To pray always for genuine needs. As I have said, I only have to depend on Him, my Giver, my Provider. I trust in God for my daily needs. He talks care of yesterday, the present and also of my future. I am grateful to the Lord for giving me this open heart. In the mission I was fully tested and I relied on Him. Worrying is such a waste of time. It CHOKES AND STRANGLES. It will not increase my daily savings.


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