Wonderful Reunion Part 2

Thank you auntie Gina Rosal 😘💓 This would be the last part of the experience in Germany as I was going back to Italy this time, with Auntie Anna. I don’t know what is the next topic. Anyway, as we were offered for a ride to Basel International Airport in Switzerland, Auntie Anna and I were calmly packing our things. We were excited to go to Veron, Italy together, and it would be my turn (her tour guide) to show her around Verona, which is popularly know as the “City of Lovers” because of the famous “Romeo and Juliet.” We started our journey, and when we reach Basel, our friend got lost. We were turning around the around for how many times, but we could not find the entrance. We were expecting that he knows the place so well. I started feeling worried, and we were both sweating, in great fear that we will miss the plane. It was almost time, and we were still moving around. In truth, my fingers were like shivering and Auntie Anna’s face was already upset. But we dealt things calmly, until at last, we managed to find the way. What a great relief. Upon stopping, we just took our luggage, said thank you and rushed to check in, and it was almost time to close. We arrived Verona, took a taxi to bring us to our Mother House. The superior there is a very good friend of mine, and he welcomed us warmly, especially my auntie. He opened the museum just for her to see what is inside. I was really happy with Fr. Teresino, such a wonderful man. We went for a walk right away to Verona City, visited the house of Romeo and Juliet, going to the squares, the arena. Of course, every corner and the most expensive shops, we had some pictures. That would be for keeping memories. The following day, we to climbed the castle, Castel San Pietro, which is a former military stronghold perched on a hill above the Adige River. We climbed the series of staircases and enjoyed the view. Since our superior told Auntie Anna that she looked like 40years old, I told her to prove now, climbing from the Verona Theater and to the castle. She even beat me, I was getting tired so easily. We had a very good laugh while climbing. We had a better view of the whole of Verona City. We ate in a fancy restaurant nearby the lake, and we ordered sea food, of which we thought was so cheap (tahong in the Philippines), only to realize that it was 4 euros each. We also ordered fresh horse meat. At first, we like it, we had a second order, but as we were laughing, I hit the meat and it fell down. I will not tell you the amount, or else you will be shocked. We both enjoyed visiting churches, and we moved around, almost old churches and monasteries, and holy shrines. We entered into the Basilica of St. Anastazia, and we tried to find where is the statue or any image of this great saint. We could not find any. Of course, Auntie Anna was frustrated not to find her namesake Saint. The church is the largest in Verona, which extends over three larges aisles supported by twelve pillars in red Veronese Marble. We met my best friend Lucas, and we had pizza at St. Michaels. It is called L’antica Pizzeria da Machele. This is an old church, desecrated and now, it is a pizza house. This is a “must see” pizzeria in Verona. We had a good chat, and long walk in the night to our house. Lucas is such a good friend. On the third day, we took the train to Padova, in Veneto, Northern Italy. in order to visit the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua. Here, it was so touching encounter. I was just observing Auntie Anna, venerating on the tomb of St. Anthony, and I saw that she was so teary eyed. In all our visits, one of our special intentions was the complete healing of Kuya Doy, the husband of Ate Sofia, the younger sister of Auntie Anna. Our church visits were always very moving, I could feel the intensity. From Padova, we took another train again to Milan, just to visit the Dome of Milan, which is so huge. It is the Metropolitan-Cathedral-Basilica of The Nativity of Saint Mary. This is the cathedral church of Milan, Lombardy, Italy. I surprised Auntie Anna, coming our for the train station, to close her eyes, and then to open right at the entrance, and there the whole Dome of Milan is in front. My goodness, what a beautiful experience there. We were all in awe, just watching the huge church. Our last day was just walking in another side of Verona, the bridges, the castles, the cathedrals, shops and shops. She bought some shoes and she bought for me a very beautiful sandal, which I still carry with me right now. This is a leather sandal, which I love most, very elegant. The price is elegant too. Secret!!!! Then we explored more places. We didn’t have much time to visit the whole of Venice, because of time constraints. Venice is the capital of Northern Italy, Veneto region. It is built on more than 100small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals including the grand canal thoroughfare, lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces. We walked around and just the marbles, the Murano glasses and some clothings. We had a great time though, but we promised to be there again, God willing. From there, we took the train to the airport. Auntie had to fly back to Germany. I was sad, that would be the last for the moment. It is always a sad farewell when you are separated. We will meet soon, God willing. There are still a lot of opportunities. I guess she really enjoyed a lot of our stay in Verona.


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