HAVE I DONE ANYTHING THAT IS WORTH REMEMBERING? (Nursing the wounds of little children in the mission) This was around 2004-2012, in Chikowa Mission, Zambia. I remember, when I arrived there, the road was really bad, some don’t have a road at all. They only have small pathways, and for me to go to the villages, I really had to walk sometimes in the scorching heat of the sun. I got used of sleeping in the villages, mostly from Wednesday to Sunday, so I had more chance of visiting the people, praying with them, visiting the sick, anointing and giving communion, chatting with them, and reaching other Christians. I normally visited deep villages, there were no schools, no clinics except little huts made of mud and grass. Some of the outstations are very far, so we had to move as a team. Some youth to teach little children, Math, English, and others. In our team were women too, who had to deal with women and elderly, and some men or a Catechist to do some catechesis to adults. Myself, I had to meet the leaders. I had to carry always few kilos of powdered milk, so that after their lessons, the children would get something to drink. In the afternoon, my little job was to nurse and clean some wounds of these little children. They had many rushes, little wounds or ring worms and other itchiness. I guess it was because of the environment. The houses were made of mud, and they sleep on the ground as they don’t have beds. I believe some bugs or insects also attack them. Water was so scarce at that time. But even myself, when I was in the villages, I was sleeping always on the ground too, with my little hut of mud and grass. I just kept myself secured with some mosquito repellents, good mat, comfortable pillow and blanket, and strong mosquito net so that insects cannot enter. Many of these children were very scrupulous, even with just a little bite, they would ask me put some medicine. They just wanted attention and touch from me, especially a priest and a white man. Some places have small creeks, and if there is water, I invite them that we go together, and they will wash themselves. For many of these little children, bathing was not a normal routine. Before sunset, the children would ask me to drive and make a few rounds in the village. For them to ride the car was something great. They would dance and sing inside, laughing loudly, so happy. The joy in their faces could not be described. I miss those times, when they had to gather outside my little hut, waiting for me to come and they would sing and dance. Since there was no school, we normally gathered under a tree and the lessons will start. They are not dull, only that they don’t have the opportunity for a quality life and the access for good education. God is good, because during those hard moments, I was always physically well, and God has been protecting me also. The mission was like a home for me. And as the saying goes, “There is no place like home.”


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