Psalm 131: Prayer for a humble trust

I would like to share another contemplation of mine, which for me is really meaningful. July 15th, 2006 ​There is a beautiful Psalm that I would like to start reflecting today, Psalm 131: A prayer of humble trust. “Lord, I have given up my pride and turned away from my arrogance. I am not concerned with great matters or with subjects too difficult for me. Instead, I am content and at peace. As a child lies quietly in its mother’s arms, so my heart is quiet within me. Israel trust in the Lord now and forever!” ​My soul truly feels I am that Israel, called for such a humble trust and confidence to the Master. I am that proud Israel, who turned away from God, whose heart is stained with sin and deceit, whose arrogance maybe hidden but manifesting. Today, my soul is called not only to acknowledge all my inconsistencies but also my failures and shortcomings. ​I love very much the image of the Child in the Mother’s Arms, peaceful and quiet, secured and given much warmth and protection. What came into my mind right away is the image of the Infant Jesus, at peace in the bosom of Mary. ​My soul is nothing than that defenceless child, very vulnerable; not only sucking the energy of the mother, but also smelling and listening the breathing of the mother. If Mother-God will not take care of my soul, I will die and lose my meaning. But Mother-God is that Eagle, allowing my soul to soar up high in heaven, but also spreading His wings ready to catch me if I fall. ​My soul has the ability to fly, gifted with wings. I winged up to the direction of the Sun, with my eyes so sharp, able to resist, even if my feelings are disturbed, even if my emotions are touched. I feel that my soul is trained for a battle of hardships and difficulties so that they became sweet and meaningful to me. ​My soul is that little Eagle of God, gifted with a BEAK to crush my prey- hardships and troubles. I feast in every success of my endeavour. I am that little Eagle of Christ, and I am named Israel by God. Yes, I am Israel and I will offer back to God what He has given to me, MY LIFE.


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