GENESIS 3:1-21

This is another contemplation during my retreat in Rome this year that I would like to share with you. Again, these are just scattered thoughts, so forgive me. Genesis 3:1-21 What caught my attention right away is the Serpent, a real seducer and instrument of Satan. He has a very vile purpose to destroy Adam and Eve. He injected a doubt on Eve, pretending to give enlightenment and promised knowledge and awareness if they will eat the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was the object of the attack, because she was very frail, she was alone, very far from the intervention or counsels of Adam. She did not probably understand the effect of eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. It is strange that we take for granted temptation very easily. There is material temptation and other forms of vanities. Even here in the retreat, there is always the temptation of Internet, phone and sensualities. There is even temptation in words, lies, deceit, painful words, that myself realized, I shouldn’t have said. The serpent told Eve that if she eats the fruit, her eyes will be opened. Eve took the bait, ate the fruit, and suddenly she felt her nakedness. She felt that shame, the same thing as she shared to Adam the fruit. They were covered with shame. Adam was attracted by what Eve has shown to him. Sin and temptation starts with attraction, with passionate desires, and without knowing, one is already a slave to sin. Human as we are, we get easily attracted with comfort. When life becomes difficult, the temptation is to give up! It says that God was walking in the Garden of Eden, talking with tones of kindness to His creatures. It was in the cool of the day when He wanted to meet His created beings, but Adam and Eve hid themselves. They were covered with shame, guilt and fear. They were confused. They stayed away from God. I really love to imagine this scene. God walked in the garden, wanting to chat with Adam and Eve. For me, this is a consolation. God reaches out to have a chat with me. That He longs to walk with me. Examination time! As I have said, Adam and Eve were feeling shy and afraid for they were naked and they have disobeyed God. But there was no remorse. They blamed each other. Adam said: “it is the woman you gave me!” He even blamed God for giving him a sinful woman. Eve said: “it is the serpent.” Our tendency is to deny. This is also a big reminder for me. We do not accept our faults, we ignore the truth, we reason out for our mistakes. This is self-centeredness, pride or hypocrisy. For me, this is a real call to be humble before the Lord. The sin of Adam and Eve was not just of eating the forbidden fruit, they disobeyed, they became self-centered, they dishonored the Lord. They were ingratitude for what the Lord has done for them. They were sentenced by God. From beauty, the snake will become disgusting in the eyes of people, he will become so low, live on the ground. He will be killed by the offspring of man. He will bit their hills but they will crush his head. For the woman, her sorrow will multiply and will suffer in labor. For the man, he will have to work hard, will till the land in order to survive and both will be distanced from God. For me, the sentence of God is rightful. If I commit a sin, I deserve also a right sentence. But God is merciful. He sent them out from the garden, yet He taught them how to make coats from the skins of animals. Here, animals became a sacrifice. God promised them a Saviour as the way of life. Then he said: “I will commune with you from above the mercy seat.” He takes a look at them and never sets them apart completely. A great consolation for me! I tried to put myself in the person of Adam and Eve. I should be happy that in spite of my sinfulness, God is promising me salvation; that He will not leave me. In fact, God promises communion from above. So I am not alone, He is with me!


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