“BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT, FOR THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” To be called “blessed” means you are fortunate, you are rich. In the olden times, they called the rich people blessed for all what they have. But wealth could be a hindrance to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is through poverty that we enter the kingdom- as the way to freedom. I am just reminded of the simple life in the mission, when I was in the middle of jungle. There was complete poverty. But I also lived what was once said by Jesus to His disciples: “Eat what is set on the table.” I give thanks to God for the people’s hospitality in spite of their poverty. To be poor in spirit is an awareness of my nothingness. It is an expression of simplicity, not of extravagance. The materially poor are beggars, they have few possessions or nothing at all. At times they require the charity of others in order to survive. They are the disadvantaged in the society. They live in hardships in general. Again, looking back at the mission, there is or there was the absence of comfort, but you have no choice, than to enjoy the little that they have. Poverty of the spirit is to accept my limitation, that “I cannot have everything that I want in my life.” To be poor in spirit is not to take the Spirit for granted. It means that I am always willing to learn and to be led by the Holy Spirit. The poor in the spirit makes himself available for the Holy Spirit, who allows the intervention of the Holy Spirit. When the Father General told me that I have to go for rotation, I wrote a long letter with a big "NO" of disapproval. But then I realized that being a missionary, I should make myself available, and go wherever the Spirit will lead me. Spiritual poverty means AVAILABILITY, To give myself completely and to live in simplicity for the Kingdom in heaven. To be poor in spirit means to live a life of spiritual bankruptcy, that I am spiritually poor before God! I am sinful and I need spiritual healing and forgiveness. We or I maybe rich here on earth, but I am still poor in spirit. As I have said, heaven is the reward. Salvation is only given by faith or by grace. To enter in the kingdom, I must recognize my worthlessness, for I cannot do everything by myself or on my own. I need God. To be a man poor in spirit, I should understand the meaning of "blessedness" as "happiness", that real joy is not earthly but eternal happiness in heaven. The reward of being poor in spirit is heaven. I should understand that the concern of Jesus for me is HEAVEN, not material possessions. If we admit our poverty in spirit, then we get spiritual richness. I lived a very poor life in the mission, but I also live a very fulfilled life, that is a consolation. My spiritual poverty gives me so much richness and freedom in my heart. I am free and happy. Even in this prayer moment, my consolation is joy. So I give thanks to the Lord for this blessing, to be poor in spirit.


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