IF MY BODY COULD TALK, IT WOULD SAY…. I would like to share my last two years in Zambia, Chikowa Mission, when I felt that I was slowly physically taken by malaria. This was in 2010-2012, when I was constantly attacked by malaria. I had my first malaria sometimes in 2007, four years after I arrived, and I was very confident that I would not get it. I was so used with the climate, the surroundings and the villages. I was moving evey week and sleeping in the villages was never a problem to me. My first attack was really terrible, and I thought I would die. In fact, I prayed already for forgiveness, then I also gave forgiveness to people who have hurt me. I lost all my energy, and literally, I crawled on the floor to open my door. I lost gradually my breathing, I was feeling very hot but also feeling very cold. Then I gathered all my power, and sat on the floor. That was the key, I breathed better. Slowly, I went for hot shower and was a bit relieved. I was brought to the hospital, but they said I don’t have malaria. But one clever doctor told me to take malaria tablets, probably the virus was still germinating. I did and I recovered very well. Then, at least three years, I never had any problem. Instead, because of the heat and constantly sweating and getting dried up, I developed bronchitis, which I never expected. One day, I was feeling dizzy, but I never showed to my confreres my physical problem. We were eating, and my fellow priest told me that my color is like the wall, which means that I was like white. I insisted that I was okay. Be he insisted too that something is wrong, and he brought me to the nearby hospital for check up. Indeed, I was had bronchitis. Then I was given medicine and recovered completely. One day, I felt my eyes were so heavy, as if they were falling down. Then my shoulders and joints were so painful, then severe fever. I went to the doctor and it was malaria. I took the tablet, and I recovered. Since then, I had constant attack, like almost every three weeks or month. One time, in the middle of the village, while celebrating mass, I had sudden attack, feeling cold, sweating and so weak. In situation like this, you feel that even the tip of your hairs are sweating too. It was Holy Week and I spent my week there, very busy but also with malaria. I got used to that, once I could feel heavy eyes and heavy shoulders, that is the start of malaria. So I just take my pills. One time, I was in the middle of the week giving retreat to sisters, I had malaria attack again. Sisters are always prepared. I felt the pain only from the beginning, then recovered completely after two days. For straight two years, I was struggling with that, malaria, coughing and severe allergies. They were like my constant friends, who little by little, castigated my body to the maximum. They did not discouraged me at all, I went on with my work day after day, happily and meaningfully. My mission in Chikowa was really my life. These sicknesses became part of me, but they never won over me. Yet, I would say that it is very important to listen to our bodies, especially when you are in a foreign land. Yes, work is very important, mission is our priority, the people is our inspiration, but I am constantly reminding myself that “A sickly missionary cannot fulfill the purposes of the Lord.” We should be prudent with our health. We should take good care of our bodies. If my body could talk, it would say to me “Raul, your body is the temple of the spirit, keep it sound and alive. If you don’t feel okay, say something, go to the doctor right away, stay healthy. Your mission can go on without you, but you cannot go on with your mission if your body is weak or completely worn out.” Again, a great reminder for me: “A sickly missionary cannot fulfill the purposes of the Lord.” Be prudent with your health!


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