Peace and God bless.
Today is the Feast of the Exultation of the Cross. Most people call it as the feast of the Triumph of the Cross. This is practically an invitation for us, called to become "Modern Saints", to see the cross as a way of undergoing significant transformation.
As I reflected on the cross this morning, it seemed clear in my heart that the way of the cross is for us- called to abandon ourselves to the Divine Providence. This is such a difficult task, and this demands the "totality in us"- every minute or every second.

We religious and those in the formation are always on the go, traveling in a very complicated way of life. As I see it, things are done joyfully, seeing the greater demands, not of our own choices and preferences or advantage. We seek the cross ourselves, listening to the voice of God even in our complete darkness, knowing that there is nothing personal we could get from this endeavor.

It is a cross to adjust with situation, with people, with studies, with language and with the community. But looking deeply the meaning of the cross, by and by, we will move smoothly, and the cross will tell you one word- LOVE. That means loving the mission, loving to do what is needed at the present time. The cross is the fulfillment. To love must be done joyfully, with the generosity of our hearts and the message of goodwill.

The cross will tell us a greater meaning, especially if we have to look at our father-founder, who himself seek crosses, pressed them into his heart. Why? It was practically a process of making clear his motives, purifying his intention for the mission, especially for the souls of African people. Our call for holiness is a long process. We still have within us the masks of shedding our real selves. My poor soul is a part of the great sinners. I too, have my own share of mistakes. Yet, I struggle for this is what the cross demands.

In a way, I also believe that the triumph of the cross in us is to take hold of the "imperative" to "love God absolutely” that could mean: "to live only for him", "to surrender myself to him, even that would mean my whole life." This is to keep us always reminded that everything is only "for God alone", and it is to him that we consecrate our very being- becoming brothers for the whole world. This is a sacred reality that we have lived in an extraordinary life. Our carrying of the cross is our total response, and affair of our souls and hearts.
As always, I find the need for an inward prayerfulness; where I can remain with him- hidden in my prayers. I love to reflect always the "Gospel poverty", where we cannot think of anything for ourselves, than becoming poor in spirit to become richer in love.

Let us continue carrying our crosses, with our humble manual works in the house, in communicating to people who, in a way, have annoyed us, in doing our studies and assignments, and above all, to be humble in prayer, telling God of our weaknesses- of not being able to do the rest.

I will continue praying for all of you, that you may go on imitating the Lord, seeking intimacy with him on the cross. I have tried making my fantasy prayer, being crucified like Jesus. It was so painful. I felt I was dying gradually. But it was a beautiful expression of intimacy. It was a pain but a sign of being one with him. Let us go on, one with him in prayer, where only Jesus would see you offering the cross and the souls of people.

I would like to end this reflection by words of invitation- to be alike and to be resembled to the one who allowed hi s very self to be crucified because of his great love. Then, we will be able to share his pains and glories.

I do not know if you have understood my message. But let it be this way. I expressed these as an expression of my heart. In the hearts of Jesus and Mary, I remain
In Christ's love, RAUL


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