RETREAT ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU? RAUL, WHERE ARE YOU? Adam was not a happy person because he was feeling very lonely. So God decided to give him a company, Eve. Then Adam became a very happy man. It seems like God, Adam and Eve were living in the same roof, and they used to go for a walk in the garden. Their relationship was perfect. And Adam and Eve were not ashamed of their nakedness. One day, God was surprised not to see Adam and Eve, so He called Adam, “Where are you?” God knew exactly where they were, but He called them to have a personal answer from Adam. But now Adam and Eve were not comfortable anymore because they were naked. The hid themselves behind the trees, and they covered their naked bodies with leaves of the trees. That was the start of the BLAME GAME. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent (Satan). They became victims of the tempter. They allowed themselves to be victimized by a THIRD PARTY. They broke their relationship with God, afraid, ashamed, uncomfortable in the presence of God. Sometimes, we are lost on the road, and we ask our friend for help and to give us direction. The first thing they would ask is WHERE ARE YOU AT THE MOMENT? Then from where you are, they can give the direction. PERSONAL REFLECTION: RAUL, WHERE ARE YOU? In our Religious Life, we get lost quite often. We allow ourselves to be lost, and the reason is that we allow a THIRD PARTY to enter into our lives, to manipulate us, especially our personal desire and self satisfaction. We give the third party a place, and at times to destroy the treasure that is in us. RAUL, HOW DO YOU GET LOST? First, in the work that you do. When we concentrate so much on our work, put our energy into it, that nothing is important in your priesthood than you work, you will lose the treasure. It is true, work is important, but once you allow yourself to be immersed into it, submerged into it deeply, you will get drown. You can get lost when your focus is diverted to other things. Second, to fall into the THIRD PARTY. Many priests are in the process of getting lost because of too much attachment to people and friends, invitations and parties, attachment to things, fame and above all, unbreakable attachment to gadgets. We spend so much time with these THIRD PARTIES, than with ministry and prayers. We lost that intimacy with God anymore. At the end of the day, we need to give an account to God. God will ask you and me: Raul, I gave you a treasure, your vocation, where is the treasure now? How is your vocation? I feel really very much challenged by this thought, to cherish and nourish the vocation, "we must celebrate each single mass with freshness", not just like a left-over of yesterday. (This was exactly what our retreat master told us.) Our mass must also be new each time, meaningful to you and to the people. You should celebrate each mass with joy and enthusiasm. Well, you cannot avoid the fact that some other masses that we have celebrated were dry. There were times that even on Sundays, I celebrated only for one person, and sometimes to two old women. One Sunday, I celebrated straight three masses, and the sun was strong and draining. The last mass was really tiring for me, I felt so dried up, but I tried to show my enthusiasm, to have the same taste. I knew that my energy level was very low, I was feeling weak and dizzy, but I tried to give my best. Mass should not be like a simple ritual only. At times, I really feel guilty when I don’t put my whole heart into it, or when I don’t prepare my homily, and just celebrate the mass as ordinary ritual. #retreat2021 #priesthood #religiouslife #missionarylife #africanmission


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