If you know the story or have read the story of the “Knight In a Rusty Armour, you will love the proud knight in the end. Because he loves his armour so much, that he even wears everything even in eating or sleeping. His wife and son could not really figure out what is his face. They argued always and his wife threatened to leave the knight if he will not remove his armour. The knight started getting worried, until he decided one day, to go to the ironsmith, but failed. The armour got stuck all over his body and face. So he went into the desert to ask the help of Merlin the magician. Now I just want to make a reflection in one of their encounters. Merlin asked the rabbits to chew some carrots and feed the Knight through his visor. The knight was very week of hunger, but still very proud. They had confrontations, but the knight was still very much hard headed at that time, unable to listen, but always argued with Merlin and the rabbits. The knight complained to Merlin that it was stupid, him a great knight just talking with rabbits. “Just that. You are becoming sensitive enough to feel the vibrations of others. The knight was obviously confused, so Merlin continued explaining. "You did not talk to the squirrel in words, but you felt her vibrations, and you translated those vibrations into words. I am looking forward to the day when you start talking to flowers. .... "That'll be the day you plant them on my grave. “Feel the vibrations of others and translate their vibrations into words.” I think this is really lacking among us human beings. We just talk and talk, complain and complain, but we don’t actually feel what others are feeling. For many people, it is even easier to say hurting words and wound others emotionally without minding their hearts. Sometimes, it happens in our community, we point fingers on others, we blame other people and say hurting and insulting words. What if all your stupid words be thrown back to you? What would you feel? Merlin the magician was subtly suggesting to the knight to be careful, “these creatures were accompanying you, they have been feeding, you ought to be grateful!” But he was without gratitude. He did not feel the gestures of the rabbits as something to be thanked for. So many of us, we don’t even know how to say “thank you” for others’ small acts of charity. We don’t know how to express gratitude for their help, for their time, for their resources and efforts. We just want to receive, collect and collect but we don’t know how to give in return. Other people don’t need material things back. They just want to hear from us some sense of gratitude; and that we may be able to recognize them. “I am looking forward to the day when you start talking to flowers. .... "That'll be the day you plant them on my grave.” I take these words as really challenging. When are we going to give flowers? Do we have to wait when our loved one dies? Flowers are common gifts to say “thank you”, but it is just a symbol. When are we going to show our appreciation? Do we have to wait when they are sick and bedridden in their houses or hospitals? When are we going to show love? Do we have to wait when they are sleeping peacefully in their coffins? Or completely hidden and rotten in their graves? Just now, as you are still fine; and they are still alive, feel your loved ones and show them your love. Feel their vibrations, and be thankful that they are there for you.


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