In my missionary life, what were situations that helped me to grow?

I would like to connect with the way Comboni used it- For the Lord. FOR the glory of the kingdom.  My MISSION ITSELF.  I always write to my friends when I make decisions:  "If this work is for God, this will surely bear fruit."  I always look at this in the sense of humility, that I work not to satisfy myself or else, it will become personal.  I work FOR Him, and I am just a collaborator.  I collaborate with God's project as He has chosen me.  In that way, I grow in my understanding of dependence to God, "this is for you, you should bless it." In my missionary life, what are potentials of growth that were offered to me? 1. Understanding- not just the language, but also situations, events, poverty and the lives of people.  God gave me wisdom to connect myself to people- especially emotions, affections, spirit.  These are potentials that were developed there, and could still be developed in my future mission. 2. Leadership- most especially to the youth.  I have seen my rapport, I shared my dream for them, especially for education, I was given the chance to help them develop as citizens, as parishioners and as our Christians.  I taught in our small college, and I see that my relations with my students was provoking them to strive more.  I put my energies here as one of my potentials. 3.  Knowledge- life is a constant learning.  I took my education as a gift to me from the Lord, but also a gift that I can offer to our Institute.  Sometimes, it requires so much effort and sacrifice in our part to put knowledge to potentialities, but each of us is given unique talents as our contribution to our congregation. What does it mean to me to have discernment? Good discernment is to make good choice between two good things.  It means decision prayed and analyzed according to the will of God.  It is important for each one of us to have good discernment especially that we are dominated by biases. 1.  Good discernment helps us come up with concrete solution or decision for the betterment of the community and for the common good. 2.  With good discernment, you won't be hunted by guilt feelings, because you gave an actions based on moral, based on conscience and on the will of God.  Only a person who prays hard can give a good discernment


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