Missionary Experience

Visiting the story of my missionary life, what experience of God that I have carried and what God has asked me to do? 1. Family det
achment- I joined the Comboni Missionaries when my mother was very sick and paralyzed; and when my father was in the hospital because of vehicular accident.  I helped them financially at that time, and I was in the process of renovating the house.  For me, the was the most painful "yes" that I have ever said in my whole life. 2. My experience of God as God of second chances.  I had near death experiences, my severe attack of malaria in the mission, and that of the allergies of bees that nearly took my life, while I was celebrating mass in the village.  They were ready to measure my coffin.  God gave me second chance(s) and confronted me with issues on forgiveness and abandonment of my life into His hands. 3.  Another beautiful experience of God is my experience of people's hospitality.  I have never seen in my whole life that people completely abandoned their houses for me to stay, and they were sleeping outside.  No matter how I insisted that I could sleep in the car, they gave up their security for me. 4.  The experience of poverty.  Looking at the lives of people, you feel their emotions, their needs and sufferings.  You cannot be their Saviour, but being one with them gives them comfort.  It makes you feel your own poverty too. You deprive yourself of something that you like or get accustomed with.  I suffered so much with the scorching heat of the sun, I had bronchitis because of sweat, then getting dried up, sweating again and the constant attack of migraine or severe headache.  But I did everything with grace, without complaining. 5.  My experience of dryness and barrenness in spirit.  There were times that I did not pray well.  I felt like God was far.  My prayers were dry.  I was feeling so tired, busy at work and I did not pray as much as I could.  Commitments can break you at times.


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