
Showing posts from October, 2022


If you know the story or have read the story of the “Knight In a Rusty Armour, you will love the proud knight in the end. Because he loves his armour so much, that he even wears everything even in eating or sleeping. His wife and son could not really figure out what is his face. They argued always and his wife threatened to leave the knight if he will not remove his armour. The knight started getting worried, until he decided one day, to go to the ironsmith, but failed. The armour got stuck all over his body and face. So he went into the desert to ask the help of Merlin the magician. Now I just want to make a reflection in one of their encounters. Merlin asked the rabbits to chew some carrots and feed the Knight through his visor. The knight was very week of hunger, but still very proud. They had confrontations, but the knight was still very much hard headed at that time, unable to listen, but always argued with Merlin and the rabbits. The knight complained to Merlin that


These are the words of the father of Bro. Jean-Pierre Schumacker, from the book "The Last Monk of Tibbirine". Actually, he is a priest, but because of their monastic tradition, they all call each other Brother. Jean-Pierre is the last survivor of the monks of Tibbirine. He lived alongside the seven Trappist Monks, who were killed during the Algerian Civil War. They were men who witnessed to the grace and peace of Jesus. "The Lord cares in a special way for the parents of a priest”, is a very powerful line for me. Jean-Pierre had witnessed the death of His own father, and before he closed his eyes for the last time, he uttered these wonderful words. Unfortunately, I did not witness the death of my mother, as I was studying Theology in England. I would have heard her last words also, and I just imagine what she would have said to me. When I joined the seminary, I told her (while she was lying bedridden and invalid) that "You will do the contemplation here in y

When you are bored, what happens?

When you are bored, what happens? When I am bored, sometimes I get more fruitful. When I am bored, I just sit down, and very easily, my hands take my brushes and paints and I start painting, or I doodle or write something, as I also write a lot. Very seldom I get lazy and bored because I have some outlets to do. As I have said, I become fruitful, because I see something coming out of my boredom. So I feel that boredom does not exist to me. Hahahahaha But there are times that I really feel tired and sleepy, and so I give in. I don’t take it as boredom. I know that my body craves for sleep sometimes, and I don’t want to deny my body for that. I treat my body so well. When I feel sleepy, I pamper my body by giving extra sleep. It is healthy I supposed, or else I will work tired and spend the rest of the day with a very heavy feeling. Also when I feel there is nothing to do, I go and see my rabbits and chickens, or my plants and the garden. These are another hobbies that giv


RETREAT ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU? RAUL, WHERE ARE YOU? Adam was not a happy person because he was feeling very lonely. So God decided to give him a company, Eve. Then Adam became a very happy man. It seems like God, Adam and Eve were living in the same roof, and they used to go for a walk in the garden. Their relationship was perfect. And Adam and Eve were not ashamed of their nakedness. One day, God was surprised not to see Adam and Eve, so He called Adam, “Where are you?” God knew exactly where they were, but He called them to have a personal answer from Adam. But now Adam and Eve were not comfortable anymore because they were naked. The hid themselves behind the trees, and they covered their naked bodies with leaves of the trees. That was the start of the BLAME GAME. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent (Satan). They became victims of the tempter. They allowed themselves to be victimized by a THIRD PARTY. They broke their relationship with God, afraid, ashamed, unco


I don’t know why this question came into my mind, but I see a great importance to this. This brought me to my experience during the Comboni Year, or my year of Sabbatical in Rome. Each one of us were accompanied by a psychologist, and I was just so lucky to have a psychologist who helped me open the rest of my horizons, especially with friendships, relationship with others and the rest of the people who surrounded my life in the past years, and those who are also present in my life now. Does it really matters what others think of me? I should say “yes” or “not at all”. There are words which are very constructive, from people who look at you as real dear friend, who is concern for your own good, and who is open to you no matter what. I said “yes” because their words can help for your growth, in relation to yourself and to others. Most of your true friends can tell you straightforward if there is something wrong or something needs to be done. They are not afraid to tell you th