As of this writing, I am just sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I just exposed the Blessed Sacrament for our adoration. I stayed for a time in real silence, when I was reminded of an event last year, while I was in one of our farthest mission, in the middle of the jungle.

With the group of Apostles of St. Daniel Comboni, we left as early as 6:00AM, drove in the middle of Luangwa National Park, at the same time, enjoying the sceneries around, the many animals crossing (elephants, giraffes, impala, a group of buffaloes, zebras and more and even two lions). The road has always been bad, but the biggest challenges of the journey were heaps of sand everywhere, so that we had to cross in second gear and always with the four-wheel drive engaged.

We seemed to have a good journey at first, but crossing the rivers and climbing on hills made the car suffer. We fell down, we got stuck and we managed after so many tries, with men pushing at the back and women pulling the car with the rope. It was indeed a struggle and so we were so tired because of the scorching heat of the sun and we were really hungry.

Not even reaching the first village, the car just stopped, completely dead! That was the start of our fear. We were in nowhere, no means of communication and nothing to do! But I remained calm and kept my words of encouragements to the team. People arrived; we were given small huts, made of mud and grass. Mine was too small, just enough for me to stretch my whole body, head and feet on both ends of the walls. It was a bit bigger of a large umbrella.

But I was not really that disturbed. Every time I move out from the mission, I always offer everything to the Lord, abandoning myself into His care and protection. I never fear to move around in our missions no matter how far they are. People are always taking good care of us.

We then set our program. We agreed that two will have to do house to house visitations, bible sharing and to pray together with the family; one youth will teach the youth and small children (none of them have been in school for there is no school there). One will deal with the adults and others will do the teachings on the sacraments. I did the registration and for some ministries. We agreed to make the day calm and to trust in the Lord’s power. He will never abandon us. We will be out soon! We were so hopeful.

We were struck for three days, but we used these three days so well, teachings and ministries. Every night we made a big fire, we all sat around for dinner, then rosary with people, some singing and traditional dances. There were no traces of fear inside.

Then we were told that ZAWA- Zambian wildlife Authority has sent somebody to bring diesel for their bulldozer. God’s providence! I told them. I then asked if they could allow our catechist to go with them back to the town, then he will inform the mission about our situation. They all left early morning. We were hopeful and happy with the local people.

We wee eating sweet potatoes all the time, and vegetables that I brought. At times, they give me sugar cane, something that I didn’t enjoy because it was hard, and biting and peeling by mouth and chewing was a punishment. Luckily, I brought also enough sugar and milk which sustained us for the whole time. Children were our entertainers, always coming to chat. It was hard for them for they were speaking in different dialects. They enjoy climbing on the car and play. Many of them have never seen car in their whole life.

Three days after, another car from our mission arrived for our rescue. We tried to pull my car down, but it was impossible. We decided to leave the car and come back next time with the big tractor. Then after saying goodbye and thank you, we were tracing again our journey back to the mission, happy, fulfilled and hopeful that the next journey back, we will see fruits of faith already flourishing.

Truly, the Lord never abandons. He tests us so that we will cling to Him tightly, trusting that He is always the source of everything. Never flag in zeal but have faith, trust the Lord for in His mercy and compassion, He is there to rescue us.
Fr. Raul


  1. I am just reminded of my missionary life in Africa. Up to now, I am still very amazed how God worked wonders in my life during those days!


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