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November 1st, 2009
For a long time, I have not written. I have many small letters for many people, of which, I just kept them with me without mailing. My very deep apology but also gratitude for your prayers! I feel very much honored with such affection you have for me.
The past months have been hectic, meetings day after the other, almost every week there is a gathering of different groups and organizations parish level- youth, choir, women’s groups, men’s groups. This time is also the time for us to visit our communities from distant places, unreachable during the rainy season. Some are 150-180 kms from the mission, in the middle of the jungle. It is a tiring job and it requires much time and commitment because they are always physically draining.
The whole of August, my dad, my priest brother and my nephew who is a nurse were here for almost a month. I brought them to most of our small Christian communities in the villages. Of course, being my visitor and family, it requires time and attention aside from my pastoral commitments. But I am very happy for their visit, it made them reflect deeply my missionary life and the appreciation for the work I am doing and how the Lord is using us missionaries.
My family left on the 26th of August, but my nephew is still here, doing some voluntary works as a nurse. For the whole of September, he was a volunteer nurse at Mwami hospital, assisting major and minor operations. Starting this week, he is a community based nurse from a non-government organization called CARITAS. He is also doing voluntary works in another group caring for HIV-AIDS little children, assisting them for check up, demonstration with the mothers etc. He is still young, 21 years old, but I am so happy because he has the heart for people and the love for the mission.
It has been terribly hot this time and I am suffering a lot. I have very little sleep during the night and headache and restlessness by daytime. It is draining physically! As always, only to the Lord can I voice out. This is my mission. It requires a lot of sacrifices. Frankly, at times, I wish I am in United Kingdom or other cold countries. Yet, I take back my wish. I am in the heart of Africa, hidden pearl in the bosom of Africa. I should continue shining, polished by the heat of the sun and washed by clean water after the flood season. I have to tell myself often about this often.
I keep always in my heart the cry of Job: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I shall return. The Lord gave, the Lord has taken back. Blessed be the name of the Lord! If we take happiness from God’s hands, we must take sorrow too.” So then, why should I complain! Suffering is part and parcel of our apostolic life.
My car just arrived. I mean it was pulled by our tractor 150 kms away from the jungle, where it was broken while I was driving. I was there stuck, with no means of communication. Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so I was. It made me realize many things about my life. I enjoyed every bit there, saying rosary with people during the night around a big fire. There is no school or clinic, so there is extreme poverty, early marriages and death too. They have to walk three days to go to the hospital, sometimes; people just die in the middle of the road, while on journey. Three days after, I was rescued. The Lord sent Angel Gabriel, through a man who came to bring diesel for Zambian wildlife Authority. Then I asked a favor if they could carry my catechist to inform the mission about my situation. I always believe in human angels. This is not the first time I have experienced God’s intervention through people. I am hoping that the car will soon be repaired because I have to go back there this month.
The first week of October has been a real blessing too. We had the feast of my two Seraphic dear ones- Therese of the child Jesus and Francis of Assisi. We had the Guardian Angles too, then the feast of the Lady of Rosary, then the feast of our founder St. Daniel Comboni, whom I call as my Seraphic Father. It is always nice to be connected with saints and ask their intercessions.
Our community is okay. We are six officially as of this time. Soon two will come and join us, a Polish scholastic and a Portuguese priest. Imagine we are from seven nationalities. That is missionary life, our personal goals become community goals, and the Lord put us together for a common purpose- to spread the Good News, that Christ be loved and known.
We have a lot of commitments in the parish. At times, I feel that we work too much. But since we are on first evangelization mission, it is necessary to labor for the vineyard. We are not going to see all the fruits of our labor, it is for the next generation.
Anyway, I am so grateful to the Lord for all these opportunities. If I have to suffer, I will suffer joyfully for my missionary life is a ‘golden opportunity’, less travelled by many, not everybody has this chance. My soul is ever grateful, yet, I want to ask your prayers and intercessions. Pray that I may not spoil the sacredness of God’s works in my hands.
Lots of love and prayers, Raul


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