
Showing posts from August, 2010


I TOUCHED JESUS I reflected of this thought in front of the Blessed Sacrament when suddenly memories flashed in my mind. Touching Jesus is almost like impossible, but my memories were telling me that actually, I have touched Jesus in a very special way. I was sent for an exposure in the Leprosarium with very little idea about leprosy, except that it is contagious, and that they are abandoned because of this. I was completely ignorant! But then inside, I came to know that it is curable with proper medication and hygiene. One time, we had our prayer together and as a sign of communion, I told them that we have to hold hands in praying the Lord’s Prayer. I felt the roughness of their hands, their fingers were completely eaten by the virus and many had unhealed wounds yet. At first, I was afraid and hesitant, but I was strengthened by my gestures, so I grasped more of their remaining fingers and broken palms tightly. After the prayer, they hugged me tightly fro my warmth, saying that


I AM NOT THat FAMOUS PRIEST…. I sat down in silence And thought about my priestly life. Images started rolling and a movie was presented to me. I saw myself, The actor in the most rural places of my mission, The bringer of God’s message, The minister and pastor. Yet, I am not that famous priest. I bless the dead, Anoint the sick And visit the needy. I celebrate the Eucharist and everyone is looking at me, Amazed of this white priest in the midst of black human beings. Yet I am not that famous priest. People came for reconciliation, For advice and celebration. People prepare exotic food And rejoice at my presence. Yet, I am not that famous priest. I sleep in villages, On the ground like them. I eat with them around the fire, Chat and dance with them. They cheer: ‘With Fr. Raul there is nothing for us to fear.’ Yet, I am not that famous priest. I am just one among them, But among us is the famous priest. I am nothing compared to Him. He is the reason of our celebration, Of o


DO NOT ABANDON OR FORSAKE ME O GOD! As of this writing, I am just sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I just exposed the Blessed Sacrament for our adoration. I stayed for a time in real silence, when I was reminded of an event last year, while I was in one of our farthest mission, in the middle of the jungle. With the group of Apostles of St. Daniel Comboni, we left as early as 6:00AM, drove in the middle of Luangwa National Park, at the same time, enjoying the sceneries around, the many animals crossing (elephants, giraffes, impala, a group of buffaloes, zebras and more and even two lions). The road has always been bad, but the biggest challenges of the journey were heaps of sand everywhere, so that we had to cross in second gear and always with the four-wheel drive engaged. We seemed to have a good journey at first, but crossing the rivers and climbing on hills made the car suffer. We fell down, we got stuck and we managed after so many tries, with men pushing at the back


GOLDEN RULE Dearest friends, Peace and God bless. At around 5:00AM, in the coldness of the morning, I had my bath already and prepared myself for my personal silence in our small chapel. I then sat down, fixing my eyes on the cross when I thought of scanning the readings of my breviary. Then I encountered Tob. 4:16-17, 19-20, which kept my attention for so long, and it says: “Do to no one what you would not want done to you. Give bread to those who are hungry and clothes to those who are naked….” It hit me completely reflecting our attitudes and behaviors, and also, seeing the violence in the world today. There is so much expression of envy, greed and pride, and the ones who suffer (as our common refrain) are the innocent victims. It is such a pity to see our world so wounded. When are we going to stop these violence and killings, and instead, start healing the wounds of the world? I look back in particular my little mission, which is actually a very vast one. I am in such a